Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Top 10 Most Popular Quotes from Survivors: The Gathering Darkness #1: A Pack Divided - SPOILERS

Yay, this is my first post about the series Survivors, written by Erin Hunter! And I've decided to make a list of the top ten most popular quotes from the latest book: A Pack Divided. As the first book in the arc The Gathering Darkness, we view life in the dog pack from Storm's perspective.  Well, without further delay, the quotes! And I'll warn you, there are spoilers ahead!


"Whisper brightened. 'You're right.' His tongue lolled as he glanced up at her.  'You're right, Storm. And you always know exactly what to say.'"


"And Thorn must remember all too well what happened the last time foxes attacked the Pack—I was told how her smallest litter-brother, Fuzz, was killed. No wonder she's hesitant!"


"The slender swift-dog was not so lean anymore: her sides were rounded with her and Lucky's pups."


"Is that terrible battle the only thing they care about? If I hadn't killed Blade, would they trust me at all? Or would I be just another Arrow—alone in a Pack that thinks I'm the enemy?"


"Storm licked her jaws, but she couldn't make them moist. Her tongue was coated in dust and ashes. 'Are you the Fear-Dog?'"


"How can they lie so close to each other? Aren't they hot? Isn't it uncomfortable? Her hipbone's sticking right in his ribs and, ew! How can she enjoy him licking her eyelids like that?"


"Some pups worry that there's something bad inside of them, something they can't help."


"Nothing except that you're a Strange dog, an Odd dog, a Dog Who Walks in Her Sleep..."


"Even a sickly load of romantic rabbit fluff was better than that scenario."


"Whisper's feelings for you might be... well, they might be more than normal affection for a Packmate. Do you understand?"

The book A Pack Divided had a lot of great moments in it. Don't miss out this new Survivors arc with Storm's point of view! Storm has proven herself to be an extremely interesting and complex character, and I look forward to seeing her story continue in Dead of Night.

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